Fighting for Fair Recourse on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

Fighting for Fair Recourse on Sexual Harassment and Discrimination

Our proposal on Non-Discrimination and Harassment is a core component of our effort to build a more inclusive research community at UConn.  Unfortunately, the UConn administration has resisted fair provisions for addressing sexual harassment and discrimination in two rounds of contract negotiations with Graduate Assistants (GAs) and now with Postdocs.  Despite UConn’s strong resistance, GAs – like tens of thousands of other academic workers across the US – have prevailed in establishing fair protections and recourse on discrimination and harassment.  As UConn continues to oppose fairness for Postdocs on this important issue, we share here some of the success stories of our GA colleagues and other academic workers across the US.

Want to Fight Sexual Harassment and Discrimination?  Unionize. (Economic Opportunity Institute, 2017)

UConn Graduate Student Union Helps Handle Sexual Harassment (Elite Daily, 2016)

Grad Students are Unionizing to Fight Campus Sexual Assault (Ms. Blog, 2017)

#MeToo Protections for Postdocs (UC Postdoc Union, 2018)

UCLA Has Agreed to Renew Sandra’s Appointment (UC Postdoc Union, 2019)